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The Simple Path to Grow Your Law Firm Online [Webinar]

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Get a step-by-step approach to own your presence online, drive traffic, and measure success from ex-Googler and Massachusetts lawyer Dan Shainker, Esq. with this 24-minute installment of Webinars for Busy Lawyers.

The world is increasingly shifting to digital media, is your law practice embracing the change? Join ex-Googler and Massachusetts attorney Dan Shainker to discover the simple path to grow your firm online in today’s age.

This webinar will offer a step-by-step framework to: 

1. Own your law firm’s digital presence across all the digital channels that matter — Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

2. Drive targeted traffic to your firm via these digital channels

3. Measure the success of your digital efforts and determine your return on investment

Feel free to email any additional questions directly to Dan Shainker directly at



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About the Expert

Dan Shainker, Esq. is a four-year tenured ex-Googler and two-State licensed attorney with a passion for digital marketing and ads attribution. Dan has taken a somewhat non-traditional path to develop his client acquisition and digital growth perspective. An entrepreneur at heart, his first venture was starting an Asian-American snackfood company called Want’ems. The business sold wonton chips and fusion dips, a new take on chips & salsa. Responsible for all aspects of the business growth, he developed the website, drafted and created content, managed the social presence, and honed their pay-per-click strategy. Following that endeavor he started law school at Northeastern University. While in law school, he continued to develop his digital marketing skill-set by creating a small ad agency assisting small law firms and solo attorneys with their online presence, and paid digital media campaigns. Upon graduation from law school, he started his career at Google, utilizing his unique background to become Google’s in-house strategy expert for all legal industry clients.

During his four years at Google, he worked closely with the largest law firms and legal industry advertisers in the country, advancing their digital approach across both search, display, and digital video. As with most other lead generation advertisers with long sales cycles, this required a sophisticated approach to measurement and attribution. He worked hard with these firms to ensure digital ads always generated a positive return on investment, and was their most successful channel for acquiring new clients. He is eager to chat and discuss how we can do the same for your practice. Feel free to reach out to him at, to set up a time to discuss your practice’s approach to digital growth.


CATEGORIES: Law Firm Marketing | Law Office Management & Operations | Technology | Webinars for Busy Lawyers
TAGS: online marketing

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