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Lawyer Mental Health, Well-Being, and
Law Practice Management.

Our LCL MA team provides over 100 presentations throughout the Massachusetts legal community each year — always free. Programs, trainings, webinars — even ongoing support groups and articles for publication.

Let us know how we can help.

When you’re ready to discuss your group’s needs or answer your questions, email our Director of Volunteers & Programs Amy Levine at


Your Event. If you want to bring one of our staff in to present for a class or meeting that’s already scheduled or for a program that’s being developed, we’ll work as best we can with your schedule. If you’re hosting an event — whether or not well-being is on the agenda per se — you can help spread awareness about the Free & Confidential help we offer to lawyers, judges, and law students by including space for us to staff an exhibiting table. (We hope your audience likes our swag!)

Our Event. We’re always ready to partner on any event related to well-being or career development topics. We’re happy to handle registration and marketing materials. Our organization appreciates any opportunity to collaborate on well-being efforts in the legal profession.


Groups. Our licensed clinicians can help develop and facilitate ongoing support meetings for any need — whether private and exclusive to your organization, or as a public partner. We can even offer therapist “office hours” in your space. View the Free & Confidential groups we currently run for the Massachusetts legal community.

Resources. We can provide articles or tips to include in your publications, work together to develop more comprehensive guides on key topics, and supply our brochures, flyers, and swag for your space.

Interested in Volunteering?

Do you want to help us improve well-being in the legal profession? Or do you have concerns about a colleague’s well-being? Click here.

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